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Types of Rules, Regulations and Policies

The University has established several types of rules which govern the conduct of students and organized student groups, and which are described below.



a. Apply to those specified in the ruling.
b. Adopted by various offices of the University for implementing delegated administrative responsibility, usually after consultation with student-faculty advisory committees.
c. Enforced by administrative personnel in the respective offices, supported by students and faculty.
d. Adjudicated through administrative action.


a. Apply to the conduct of all registered students and organizations.
b. Final approval by the University president.
c. Enforced by all students, faculty, and administrative personnel, with support of the Department of Police and Public Safety.
d. Adjudicated through University procedures.


a. Apply to those students specified in the regulation.
b. Final approval by the Vice President for Student Affairs and Services.
c. Enforced by students, faculty, and administrative personnel.
d. Adjudicated through University procedures.


a. Apply to those specified in the policy.
b. Final approval by the Board of Trustees for carrying out major University responsibilities.
c. Enforced by students, faculty, and administrative personnel.
d. Adjudicated through administrative action, University procedures, or as provided in the policy.

In general, all-University policies and administrative rulings apply only to those individuals registered as students. Some, however, also apply to University employees. Where such is the case, mention is made of the fact immediately before the text of the policy or ruling.


a. Apply to all individuals – students, employees, visitors on campus.
b. Final approval by the Board of Trustees.
c. Enforced by the MSU Police Department with the support of students, faculty, and administrative personnel.
d. Adjudicated through criminal court proceedings in the same manner as city ordinances or state laws.

(Although this book contains only selected ordinances, everyone is expected to comply with all University ordinances, which are available for reference at the Information Desk, Main Library, or at


Students are, of course, expected to live in accordance with local, state, and national laws. The enforcement of such laws is the responsibility of the legal and judicial authorities duly established for that purpose. Conduct alleged to have violated both law and University regulations may be handled concurrently through the courts and University disciplinary proceedings. The complainant may choose whether to file criminal charges and/or an internal disciplinary complaint.