Women’s Student Services’ (WSS) initial goal is to develop a suite of services and programs aligned with the mission of the division. WSS staff and students will work to engage in a variety of campus and community conversations to develop a mission, core values, guiding learning outcomes and other foundational materials based in feminist theoretical frameworks.
WSS will promote and advocate for gender equity at MSU through the engagement, empowerment, and leadership of all students.
With an inclusive and intersectional feminist lens, Women’s Student Services inspires Spartans to grow by developing programs for, advocacy on behalf of, research about, and resources for students who identify as women at MSU.
Contact Us:
Dr. Heather Shea Director of Womens Student Services Student Services Building Office: +1 (517) 355-8286 Fax: +1 (517) 353-5495 Email: hshea@msu.edu Website: wss.msu.edu Twitter: @heather_shea Pronouns: she, her, hers |
Gabby Wahla