Daily Highlights of the LeaderShape® Institute
DAY 1: “Building Community”
Participants begin to explore what leadership means and discuss its core components, meet the other participants in the “Learning Community,” and join 8-12 other young adults in a group called the “Family Cluster”. As the primary reference group, the Family Cluster offers feedback and support while helping participants develop and refine a vision for the future.
DAY 2: “The Value of One, The Power of All”
Participants start the second day in an experiential team-building activity. By working through a series of initiatives and discussions, they discover how relationships, trust, and problem solving can be enhanced in a supportive group setting.
Participants then add another dimension to self-awareness by completing a behavioral style
inventory. From that information, each participant has an opportunity to set several personal
goals for the week and share those with members of the Family Cluster. Participation in exercises
which explore the concept of “inclusive leadership” and how to create communities which
value respect, openness, and diverse opinions happens on the evening of Day 2.
DAY 3: “Challenging What Is, Looking To What Could Be”
Creating a powerful vision is one of the most important aspects of leadership! During this exciting day, participants begin to work on developing their own visions for the future which define a bold change for their community, group, cause, or organization back home.
The evening concludes with a Guest Leader Forum and Reception. This is an opportunity to
interact with significant leaders in different professions. Using an informal question-and-answer
format, these individuals share their insights and experiences related to the challenges of
“leading with integrity.”
DAY 4: “Bringing Vision To Reality”
A vision is only a dream unless it results in action. Three key requirements are discussed (relationships, stretch goals, and action steps) which move a vision forward. In addition, the issue of power is explored in a dynamic group simulation exercise.
DAY 5: “Living and Leading With Integrity”
The concept of “integrity” is a challenging one, but central to LeaderShape’s philosophy of lifelong leadership development. Participants discuss how core ethical values, thoughtful decisions, and courage all play critical roles in sustaining integrity and fostering trust and respect. During the afternoon, an open discussion on “burning issues” happens before preparations take place for a creative Family Cluster LeaderShape Revue in the evening.
DAY 6: “Staying in Action”
On this final day, participants prepare to return home and face the responsibilities of a LeaderShape graduate who practices the discipline of “leading with integrity.” Participants learn what it means to be a part of the nationwide LeaderShape community — a network of mutual encouragement and support. A Learning Community commencement ceremony concludes the week.