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Student Leadership Awards

Image of the word "Spartans" in large3 foot white letters set up on the lawn outside on a sunny day.

Congratulations to all the nominees and awardees of the 2021 Student Leadership Awards!




Organization Awards


Award Category

Category Winner

Silver Award Winner

Honorable Mention

Outstanding Greek Organization Award

Kappa Delta Chi Sorority

Pi Beta Phi Sorority

Alpha Sigma Phi Fraternity

Outstanding Academic Organization Award

Multicultural Business Students

Outstanding Spartan Pivot Award

Broad Student Senate

Kappa Alpha Theta

Kappa Sigma

Outstanding Service Organization Award

Spectrum Consulting Group

Broad Student Senate

Student Organization Achievement Award

Broad Student Senate

VIM Magazine 

Outstanding Professional Organization Award

MSU SciComm

Multicultural Business Students

Spectrum Consulting Group

Multicultural/ Cross Cultural Program Award

Multicultural Business Student

Outstanding Virtual Program Award

Panhellenic Council

Broad Fall Welcome

North American Indigenous Student Organization

Campus Impact Award

Black Book Initiative

Broad Student Senate

Internationalizing the Student Experience 

Broad Student Senate/ Broad International Students Council



Individual Awards


Award Category

Category Winner

Silver Award Winner

Honorable Mentions

Graduate Student Leader Award

Amanda Flores

Daniel Puentes

Brittany Ladson

Campus Impact Award

Nick Dillon

Jasmine Jordan

Outstanding Spartan Parent Award

Brandy Coates

New Advisor Award

Elizabeth Fuller

Mitchell Woodley

Effat Id-Deen

Emerging Leader

Ellie Baden

Roxy Sprowl

Nikunj Agarwal

Leader of the Year Award

Andrew McDonald

Noah Skork

Kellie Mullany 

Walter Adams Advisor of the Year

Patricia Marin

Bess German 

Kelly Lynch; Katherine Ernst