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My Spartan Story

At MSU, the interactive My Spartan Story platform captures MSU student experiences outside of the classroom. These co-curricular activities can include, but are not limited to leadership programs, student employment, research positions, internships, and service-learning and civic engagement opportunities. A student’s Spartan Experience Recordtracks their student learning in these activities outside the scope of academic credit which can be requested alongside the transcript through the Registrar’s Office. 

As an Adviser, you can help build onto the Spartan Experience Record by adding/validating the different positions that the Spartans you advise are involved in.  

  • Adding the RSO and Activity/Position
    1. Pre-plan your organization and position information by utilizing the Submission Drafting Document  
    2. Work with executive boards, officers, or other leaders to help write the document 
    3. The organization’s Constitution is also a great resource to utilize 
    4. Once you have the Submission Drafting Document all filled out, log into My Spartan Story at  
    5. After logging in, select Submit a Spartan Experience, then review the submission process before starting your submission 
    6. Using the Submission Drafting Document as a reference, insert all the important information into My Spartan Story 
    7. Please note that each position will be submitted separately 
    8. Once all the positions are inserted and submitted, our review team will look it over and reach out for clarifications or any changes that may need to be considered.  
    9. Once the Activity/Positions are approved, they can then be found on the opportunity page ( 
  • Validating the Experiences
    1. After your students have served in their different roles and have achieved all the learning goals that were set for their positions, it is time to validate. Validating your student members on the My Spartan Story Platform is the official means for the students Spartan Experience Record to have the activity/positions added. To validate your students: 
    2. Log into My Spartan Story at and select the Spartan Experience Record 
    3. Check to ensure that the activity you are wanting to validate is listed under your “Validator for the Following Activities” (if you are supposed to be and are not seeing the activity, please reach out to 
    4. Select the desired activity (please note that each position is listed in this list)
    5. Review the position overview and then select the action button (black circle with white dots in lower right corner) to select “Add Position to Student Record” 
    6. In the Enter a User ID box, type in or copy and paste the student(s) NetID (their email address without the There can be more than one NetID entered if there were multiple people in the role 
    7. Select the status of the position:  
      • Approved will add to record 
      • Pending will hold for a future time when ready to validate 
      • Declined will not add to the record 
    8. Check the box that says to “Email the newly added participants” if you want to have them get an email saying you added the position to their record 
    9. Then click “Add Position to Record” and you will have placed the respective role onto the student(s) official Spartan Experience Record 
    Be sure to visit for more information and for upcoming workshops to learn more about our process.