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RVSM and Title IX

  • RVSM and Title IX

    As an adviser to an MSU-affiliated RSO, it is your responsibility to be informed of the RVSM & Title IX policy and your reporting obligations. Informing yourself of the policy and terms within it helps to create a supportive and safe culture for all members of the campus community.

    To review the full policy, visit the MSU Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Education and Compliance website: 

  • Anti-Discrimination Policy

    The MSU Anti-Discrimiation Policy states:

    “Members of the university community (including faculty, staff, and students) shall not discriminate or harass on the basis of a protected category. Persons who violate the policy are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal for students and discharge for employees."

    Protected categories are as follows: age, color, gender, gender identity, disability status, height, marital status, national origin, political persuasion, race, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status, and/or weight.

    For more information please visit: 

  • Mandatory Reporting

    All University employees, with the exception of those who work in exempt or confidential offices, are considered “Responsible Employees.”

    All University “responsible employees” and volunteers who are not otherwise exempted by this policy and/or applicable law must promptly report incidents of relationship violence, sexual misconduct, stalking, and retaliation that they observe or learn about in their working or professional capacity; and involve a member of the University community or which occurred at a University-sponsored event or on University property.

  • Resource