Online Resources
STUINFO > http://stuinfo.msu.eduStulnfo is MSU’s online student database. You will use it to view your class schedule; review your course, credit, and GPA history; view your student account, billing history, and information about loans and financial aid.
ADVISING APPOINTMENT SYSTEM > Student Success Dashboard is where students schedule appointments with their academic advisors. Each college website includes information about academic advising, including how to make an appointment with an academic advisor.
DEGREE NAVIGATOR > http://degnav.msu.eduDegree Navigator (DN) is a web-based advising tool that allows you to track the progress you are making toward your degree, give you a better understanding of degree requirements, and explore the requirements of alternative majors. Many students use this tool to prepare for appointments with their academic advisors.
D2L/DESIRE TO LEARN > https://d2l.msu.eduMany professors use MSU’s online learning management system, D2L. Features of this system include access to the course syllabus, resources, and messages from your course instructor, a calendar tab that allows you to view assignments, tools that provide homework submission and quiz options.
SPARTAN MAIL > http://spartanmail.msu.eduYour Spartan Mail account is the only email address that the university uses to send you official communications, including confidential messages from the Registrar’s Office. You must check this email account regularly. Certain messages may be time-sensitive.
MSU CALENDAR > http://spartanmail.msu.eduYour Spartan Mail account offers a calendar feature. All students should use some type of calendar-print, electronic, an app-to keep track of important dates (e.g. when assignments are due, work schedule). Make sure you consult the University’s Academic Calendar on a regular basis.
COURSE ENROLLMENT > enrollment system is part of MSU’s Schedule of Courses. This system includes several useful tools, including the “open seat notification”, which allows you to request a text or email alert for an open seat; the “schedule generator”, which generates a number of possible course schedules specific to your needs; and the “textbooks and supplemental materials” tool which indicates what materials are required for each of your courses.
MSU GUIDE > available on Apple StoreThis unique mapping app helps all first-year students, staff, and visitors find their way around campus. The app includes a map tool, a search tool, and a wand tool that allows you to point your phone at any building to find out the building name and location of accessible entrances.
NEW STUDENT ORIENTATION (NS0) AND TRANSITIONS > site includes information about how to meet other new students, set and achieve your academic goals, plan for your major and career. Students have created resources (vlogs, videos, stories, tips, etc.), based on their college transition, to help you transition to college. Professors, advisors, and other staff have also shared resources and tips. Use this site all year long and share your tips